HASEL actuators from Artimus Robotics offer analog (proportional) control and wide bandwidth. These actuators can operate at 0 Hz (DC) up to 100 Hz with full actuation, and even into the hundreds of Hz with partial actuation or vibration. This bandwidth and the fast actuation speeds are powerful differentiators compared to other actuation technologies since traditional haptic actuators like eccentric rotating mass (ERM) motors or linear resonance actuators (LRA) only get significant amplitude in a narrow bandwidth.

The following video demonstrates the HASEL actuator at different frequencies. Please contact Artimus Robotics at info@artimusrobotics.com to learn more.
About Artimus Robotics
Artimus Robotics designs and manufactures soft electric actuators. The technology was inspired by nature (muscles) and spun out of the University of Colorado. HASEL (Hydraulically Amplified Self-healing ELectrostatic) actuator technology operates when electrostatic forces are applied to a flexible polymer pouch and dielectric liquid to drive shape change in a soft structure. These principles can be applied to achieve a contracting motion, expanding motion, or other complex deformations. For more information, please visit Artimus Robotics or contact info@artimusrobotics.com.